Share Your Heart, Share The World

We partner with Vermont high schools to connect students and teachers with nationally recognized poets. This annual event features workshops, mentoring, and readings. Materials, generative prompts, and lunch are all provided.

Share Your Heart, Share The World

October 18, 2023
9:00 am - 2:30 pm

9 Church St., St. Albans

St. Albans Museum
First Congregational Church

Presented with support from



  • 9:00 AM - Arrivals and Introduction
    9:30 AM - Workshop #1
    10:30 AM - Workshop #2
    11:15 AM - Lunch & Writing Time
    12:30 PM - Keynote with Baron Wormser
    1:30 PM - Open Mic

  • Baron Wormser
    Sarah Audsley
    Lizzy Fox
    Duncan Campbell
    Julia Remillard

  • All Vermont High School writing classes are invited to take part in this day of poetry learning. While space is limited in-person, we do offer virtual engagement opportunities.

    Contact us to learn how your high school writing class can get involved.

Keynote Speaker and Workshop Leads

  • Baron Wormser


    Baron Wormser is the author of twenty books and has received fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts and the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. From 2000 to 2005 he served as poet laureate of the state of Maine. He is the founding director of the Frost Place Conference on Poetry and Teaching. Essays of his were included in Best American Essays 2014 and 2018. His most recent books are The History Hotel: Poems and the reissue by Brandeis University Press of The Road Washes Out in Spring: A Poet’s Memoir of Living Off the Grid.

  • Sarah Audsley


    Sarah Audsley is the author of Landlock X (Texas Review Press, 2023). A Korean American adoptee, a graduate of the MFA Program for Writers at Warren Wilson College, and a member of The Starlings Collective, Audsley lives and works in northern Vermont.

  • Duncan Campbell


    Duncan Campbell’s poems have appeared most recently in Barnstorm, the Ghost City Review, the Northern New England Review, and Outlook Springs. A recipient of the Collins Literary Prize from the University of Connecticut and the Dick Shea Memorial Award from the University of New Hampshire, his first chapbook of poems (Farmstead, Fire, Field) was published by ELJ Editions in 2015. Duncan lives in Vermont.

  • Lizzy Fox


    Lizzy Fox’s poetry has appeared in The Greensboro Review, Hunger Mountain, Santa Ana River Review, and elsewhere. Her first full-length collection, Red List Blue, was published by Finishing Line Press in January, 2021. Lizzy holds an MFA in Writing from Vermont College of Fine Arts and teaches high school English. She lives in Vermont with her husband and their sweet cat, Rhu.

  • Julia Remillard


    Julia Remillard is a journalist and marketing manager at the New York Post & Page Six. Raised in St. Albans, Julia moved to New York City in 2018 where she received her B.A. in English and Acting. A passionate writer and actor, Julia has worked in poetry publishing (Andrews McMeel), performed in Poetry Out Loud and appeared in several theatre performances and a TV show.