Environmental Poetry in the Time of Climate Crisis
Alison Hawthorne Deming
Jody Gladding
Jane Hirshfield
Bill McKibben
Nalini Nadkarni
A Sundog Poetry symposium on ecopoetics
Join us as we explore the necessary intersection between two vital workshops of the intellect and imagination: poetry and science. We live in a time of climate crisis and mass extinction, a time that is both impossible to comprehend and difficult to discuss. It is with this in mind that we have gathered significant voices in the fields of environmental science and poetry, Nalini Nadkarni, Bill McKibben, Jody Gladding, Jane Hirshfield, and Alison Hawthorne Deming, for an afternoon of critical conversation. By bringing together poets and scientists, we will demonstrate how the humanities can help translate scientific understanding into cultural meaning and moral imperative. We need every tool at our disposal to face what we must face and continue a conversation that builds community and leads to meaningful action.
This event, held at the Champlain Room at Champlain College on Friday, October 3, 2025, will include a moderated panel discussion, a poetry and prose reading, and programming for student environmental groups and writing workshops. We aim to explore how the mutual powers of poetry and science can connect us to the environment, to our obligations to the earth and to the future.
Friday, October 3rd • 2:00 PM
The Champlain Room at Champlain College
Hauke Family Campus Center, 375 Maple St., Burlington, VT
Check back soon for more details including registration options and a detailed schedule
Our hope is to be able to keep this event free to attend with a suggested donation. Your support makes these kinds of programs possible and helps us meet the costs of producing it.
We will distribute parking instructions closer to the event.
We are working with Phoenix Books to arrange on-site booksales. More details will be announced closer to the event.
We plan to record both the panel discussion and readings. Videos will be made available right on this page following the event.