The Woodstock Poetry Festival
The North Chapel, Woodstock VT

Sundog Poetry and The North Chapel announce the Woodstock Poetry Festival, June 21 and 22, in Woodstock VT!
The Festival will be Vermont’s largest poetry gathering in 2024. Meet over a dozen of the country’s highly recognized poets, greet other poetry lovers, and enjoy the beauty of Woodstock. All events of the festival are free and open to all.
We especially invite those who are new to or returning to poetry.
Woodstock has hosted over 75 poets in the past 15 years, including winners of all major poetry awards including the Nobel Prize for Poetry. The festival will be held in a beautiful 1835-built North Chapel, one of the most prized venues in Vermont for poetry events.
Given the fact that there are more poets per capita in Vermont than any other state, as well as a poetic tradition that began with Robert Frost almost a hundred years ago, it is only appropriate, as well as natural, for Vermont to host a poetry festival that celebrates its august poetic tradition with a group reading of some of America’s most eminent poets.
The North Chapel
7 Church St.
Woodstock, VT 05091
Questions about the festival?
The North Chapel is completely ADA compliant. There is a ramp in the front of the church for direct access to the Sanctuary. There is an elevator for access to all levels of the church - including the parlors, office, library, social hall, kitchen, Spiritual Exploration rooms, and meditation chapel. Restrooms are accessible on all levels and doorways to all rooms are ADA compliant.
The North Universalist Chapel Society, a Unitarian Universalist church in Woodstock, VT, was founded in 1834. The Society built and dedicated its church in 1835. Rev Dr. Leon Dunkley serves as its 36th minister.
The North Chapel community has a long history of individual and collective engagement in the social, cultural and spiritual life of the Woodstock area. It has actively participated in environmental, affordable housing, social justice initiatives. With its physical space, wonderful acoustics and classic New England beauty it is a popular venue for local cultural events.
It has hosted many poetry readings, including internationally recognized poets such as Nobel Prize winner Louise Gluck, Vermont Poets Laureate and locally residing poets. It also hosts a classical music series and other local events.
The traditional white wood frame church is admired for its simple yet elegant architectural design, including large windows for sunlight to stream in and an unpretentious raised platform on which the speaker is visible to all in the pews.